Senior Entertainment Reporter John Kiesewetter has been covering TV and media issues for 20 years. After joining the Cincinnati Enquirer in 1975 as a summer intern, he worked as a county government and suburban reporter; assistant city editor and suburban editor; and features editor supervising the Life section. He has a B.S. in journalism from Ohio University.

A Little Help Here
A little help here? Will someone at Ch 12 tell weekend news anchor Paula Toti that “Natchez” rhymes with matches, not nachos? She mispronounced it twice Sunday night. Halloween soundtrack
Just a reminder that WGUC-FM (90.9) again will air its wonderful Halloween soundtrack, “Tunes From The Crypt,” 6-10 p.m. Monday. Crank it up during trick-or-treat. And over on WVXU-FM (91.7) you can catch a remastered version of Orson Welles’ original 1938 “War of the Worlds” broadcast. Kiese-watchingWB’s “Related” moves into the “Just Legal” slot (9 p.m., Ch 64) tonight. For those who asked about the Don Johnson legal series: It was canceled after 2 telecasts. Don’t wait for the DVD set…. Here’s what we'll be watching tonight: Nick at Nite’s marathon of “Roseanne” Halloween episodes (10 p.m.-3 a.m.)…
My Favorite Fright Gag
Here’s another one of my favorite things: It’s goofy, I know, but I laugh out loud every Halloween at Steve Hortsmeyer. The long-time Channel 12 meteorologist does “Good Morning Cincinnati” weather on Halloween in a skeleton suit, standing in front of the weather map. Thought you’d wanna start Monday with a laugh, so tune in 5-8 a.m. Monday on Channel 12. Three Wishes
Katy Hines, the young Iraq war widow from Fairfield, is given a new start on life by NBC’s “Three Wishes” today (9 p.m., Ch 5). “Three Wishes” gives away three homes to Ohio veterans and their families. But Katy, 23, with a 3-yr-old daughter and newborn son, essentially gets three wishes of her own – a 4-bedroom home in Liberty Township, eight rooms of furniture and a 4-yr scholarship to Miami University. Says executive producer Andrew Glassman: “We don’t like to be too literal, but we try to do as many things as possible” for people. For more info, see my story at Enquirer.com today. Kiese-watchingDid you catch ABC’s “Primetime Live” last night? Kimberly Ray, who used to be half of MIX94.1's “Kimberly & Carson” morning team, was the centerpiece. ABC News did a lengthy piece about the rocky marriage of Kimberly, now a Rochester DJ, and her stay-at-home husband, Jason, and whether they’ll ever stop their bickering – or split. Sunday best
Michael J. Fox talks about his career and health on “Inside the Actors Studio” 8 p.m. Sunday on Bravo. Don’t worry about “The Simpsons,” because the annual “Treehouse of Horrors” episode won’t air until Nov. 6 (Fox was hoping for Game 7 of the World Series Sunday.) You should know by now: Halloween isn’t over until the Simpsons say it is.
Did yourealize that CBS’ “People’s Choice Awards” was produced by Procter & Gamble Productions? Not just sponsored by P&G products, but produced by P&G’s TV division? Well, now you know. CBS has announced that Procter & Gamble Productions’ 32nd annual “People’s Choice Awards” airs 9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 10. Online voting (at www.pcavote.com) begins Nov. 10, when nominees are announced. Kiese watchingI've been fascinated watching the hurricane coverage, particulary Katrina (and the government's failure to respond to images we all saw on TV). I found myself watching a lot of NBC/MSNBC coverage from New Orleans, in part because Brian Williams was there. He was the only anchor from the Big Three down there before the storm, and during the first week. Tonight on the Sundance Channel -- Yes, I know it's obscure -- Brian Williams talks about his personal experiences that week in New Orleans, and how he feared for his life once the looting started. “I carried a case of Vienna sausage -- cans of Vienna sausage -- as collateral in case we had a smash and grab car jack. I was going to offer it to someone in exchange for my life…The government couldn’t tell us that things were OK. We were there standing next to the things that were not OK. " I't s called “In His Own Words: Brian Williams on Hurricane Katrina” (8 p.m., Sundance Channel, located at Channel 158 on Time Warner’s digital movie tier). It's the best show on TV tonight. This powerful half-hour, produced by NBC, should air on MSNBC or CNBC – if not NBC. War of the Worlds
Yesterday I mentioned WGUC-FM’s annual “Tunes from the Crypt” 6-10 p.m. on Halloween. Now sister station WVXU-FM (91.7) has announced it will air a remastered version of Orson Welles’ 1938 “War of the Worlds” 9-10 p.m. that night. Must See Repeat TVWhy all the reruns on NBC tonight (except for “The Apprentice)? Because network programmers were betting against a World Series sweep, and figured Game 5 would air tonight. I’m guessing that Fox will take a bath on the World Series, and I don’t just mean low ratings. Any network counts on a 5, 6 or 7 game World Series to recoup its investment (more games, more commercials). I know CBS lost money on the Reds' 4-game sweep in '90.
Copter Question
I keep getting asked about whether Ch 5 has a helicopter. The answer: No, not until after first of year. WLWT contract for Sky 5 ended Labor Day, when Metro Networks traffic deal expired. GM Richard Dyer says the station will have new Sky 5 in 2006. Halloween soundtrackHere's an early reminder that WGUC-FM (90.9) again will air its wonderful Halloween soundtrack, “Tunes From The Crypt,” 6-10 p.m. Monday. Crank it up during trick-or-treat. Kiese-watching
FX’s controversial “Over There,” the Iraq war drama, ends its run of 13 new episodes at 10 p.m. today. The war could be over on FX. No official word from the network, but creator Steven Bochco is busy running ABC’s hit “Commander In Chief.” Big News At CBS NewsThis could be why CBS hasn’t named a successor to Dan Rather, who left the anchor chair in March: CBS today named Sean McManus to the dual duties of president of CBS News and CBS Sports. Out is Dan Rather's boss for nearly 10 years, Andrew Heyward, whose contract was not renewed. McManus is son of legendary ABC announcer Jim McKay. CBS Sports has experienced a resurgence under his leadership since 1996. Should we consider Heyward another casualty from the faked Bush military records story a year ago? Could we see big changes in the CBS Evening News, 60 Minutes or elsewhere?
Life After Howard Stern
This just in: Infinity announced its plans to replace Howard Stern this morning. Stern’s 27-station network will be busted up into 3 regions, with different talent. NY and East Coast gets David Lee Roth; LA and West Coast gets Adam Carolla; Cinci’s WAQZ-FM (New Rock 97.3) will get a Midwest show with “Rover,” now heard in Cleveland and Columbus. Rover will move to Chicago, and broadcast in 7 cities. Katy Hines on NBCKaty Hines, the Fairfield Iraq war widow with two young children, appears twice on NBC Friday. She was in New York Monday taping an interview with Amy Grant to air on the “Today” show about 9 a.m. Friday (Chs 5, 2) to promote her story on NBC’s “Three Wishes” at 9 p.m. Friday. The reality show gave Hines, 23, a new home in Liberty Township. You’ll read more about it Friday in the Enquirer and Enquirer.com. Kiese-watchingFinally, “The Amazing Race” contestants leave the U.S. tonight (9 p.m., Ch 12). What makes this show fun to watch is the crazy Americanos making their way through foreign countries… not trying to find the World’s Largest Office Chair in Alabama. The Linz kids from Anderson Township start out in third tonight. VCR alert: If you’re taping “Commander in Chief,” be advised that ABC is up to its old tricks – the show runs until 10:01 pm today and next Tuesday. And now that producer Steven Bochco has taken over the show, he’s adding Mark-Paul Gosselaar (from Bochco’s “NYPD Blue”) to the cast as a media strategist starting sometime in November… And if you missed the “My Name Is Earl” pilot, NBC repeats it tonight at 9:30 p.m. (Ch 5, 2). A repeat already? Yes, because its up against the World Series.
Sorkin, Conan and more NBC nuggets
Miami alum and NBC late-night boss returned to Oxford Sunday with some great TV tidbits, as usual: --Aaron Sorkin, the Emmy-winning “West Wing” creator and writer, has a 13-episode commitment for fall ’06 to do a behind-the-scenes drama series set in a “Saturday Night Live”-like sketch comedy show. It will be called “Studio 7.” Although the fictional show is set in LA, “in very other way it’s clearly ‘Saturday Night Live,’ “ said Ludwin, who supervises SNL and the Leno, Conan O’Brien and Carson Daly shows. Think a “Larry Sanders Show” about “SNL.” Or a “Sports Night” look at a network comedy show? --NBC already “is talking to some people now” about replacing Conan O’Brien, who will take over “The Tonight Show” in 2009. (Leno has 4 more years on “Tonight” in the 5-yr deal he signed a year ago.) The new “Late Night” host probably won’t be announced for two years, said Ludwin, who has been NBC’s vice president over late-night programming since 1989. Fox made a run at Conan, and ABC (which went after Letterman a few years ago) probably would have too, Ludwin said. --“The Tonight Show” likely will remain in California under Conan, as it has since Johnny Carson moved from NY in 1972. “It has not be absolutely determined yet, but Conan’s preference and my preference is to do the show in Burbank. It’s easier to get the calibre of stars you need in California,” Lundwin said. --NBC has been kicking around a “Daily Show”-type infotainment spoof show that could air at 8 p.m. Mon-Fri, Ludwin says. One idea is doing a Mon-Fri spinoff of SNL’s “Weekend Update” faux newscast. NBC Entertainment Prez Kevin Reilly has asked Ludin: “Could you do a ‘Weekend Update’ 8-8:30 pm 5 days a week, and what would that look like?” It's still all in the talking stage. One worry: If the show bombed, it could damage NBC ratings all 5 nights!
Amy on Oprah
Amy Rezos, the Butler County woman whose husband tried to kill her three times last year, tells her story to Oprah Winfrey on national TV Friday (4 pm, Ch 9). Rezos lives in Liberty Township. Her husband is serving a 30-year jail term. Kiese watchingHey, reality bites! After a reward challenge for food on "Survivor: Guatemala," BOTH teams go to Tribal Council and each votes a member out. CBS says: "In a Tribal Council first, one castaway bullies and insults a fellow tribe member despite the attempts of others to keep the peace." Jerry's KidsSo nobody from Cincinnati wanted to be Jerry Springer for a day? Imagine that! On Monday, "Jerry Springer" viewers will see the audition tapes from the five finalists for the "Be Jerry For A Day" national contest (from NYC, Chicago, Phoenix, Detroit and Tupelo). Viewers can vote for their favorites at www.jerryspringertv.com Oct. 31-Nov. 11. The winner co-hosts with Jerry on Nov. 30. More "Minutes" for Michael JordanCBS promises fewer commercials on Sunday's "60 Minutes" when Michael Jordan talks about his gambling. For the first time in its 37-year history, one advertiser (Phillips) has bought all the advertising for the show -- and agreed to give up half the spots, so there will be more content. A preview of Jordan's comments are in the paper today, and posted on our website. Here's the link: http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051020/SPT/510200395/1078/SPT Have you noticed all the sports interviews on "60 Minutes" this fall -- so they can be promoted heavily during NFL games Sunday afternoon?
Traffic Watch
Pete Scalia, the keyboard player from Freekbass, debuts as Ch 5’s traffic reporter Thursday morning on “News 5 Today” (5-7 a.m., and during local “Today” show breaks at :25 and :55), then comes back for traffic reports on the 5-6 p.m. news. It also will be our first look at Ch 5’s new “Traffic Pulse” 3-D traffic graphics. On the air
Christian radio WAKW-FM (93.3) conducts its annual “Sharathon” fund-raising drive today through Friday. The station hopes to raise $680,000 for operating expenses for 2006, says Alexia Workman, general manager. Donations can be made at www.wakw.com, or by calling 513-542-9393, or by snail mail to P.O Box 24 G, Cincinnati, OH 45224. New “Amazing Race” Talk Show“The Finish Line,” a new half-hour online “Amazing Race” streaming video talk show, premieres at 1 p.m. today on www.CBS.com. It also will be available as a podcast at the CBS Netcast section of the website. “New York” magazine contributing editor Sarah Bernard and former “TAR” participant Jon Weiss will host. Apocalypse Not Now
NBC has pulled “10.5: Apocalypse,” a two-part miniseries, originally scheduled for Nov. 27-28. The network says it will air sometime next year. “Apocalypse” never?
Moon Shot
Which one of “The Amazing Race: Family Edition” teams mooned another? Who got mooned? Could it have been the Linz kids from Anderson Township? We’ll find out tonight on “TAR: Family Edition” (9 pm, Ch 12). The Linz family again starts out second tonight as teams go searching for the World’s Largest Office Chair somewhere in Alabama. Wonder if "TAR" teams will ever leave the US? Do you miss seeing the teams travel through foreign countries? Conan’s boss This is always one of my most fun nights of the year. Rick Ludwin, the NBC vice president who supervises Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien and SNL (and 1970 Miami grad), makes his annual trip to Miami Unviersity in Oxford to chat with students. His Sunday night presentations are always filled with great TV insights (a year ago he explained how Ashlee Simpson had screwed up the night before on SNL). His topic this year: “Conan O’Brien: Then and Now.” Lecture is free and open to public at 7 p.m. Sunday in Williams Hall, under the TV tower on Oak St. (near Spring St.) Kiese-watching
Good cover story on “My Name Is Earl” in USA Today. "Earl" would be a huge ratings hit if not up against "TAR" and "Commander in Chief. at 9 p.m. tonight. Here’s the link: http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/news/2005-10-17-earl-cover_x.htm
Bengals line
For the record, here is the complete line about Ickey Woods and the Bengals from CBS’ new “How I Met Your Mother” last Monday night (8:30 pm, Ch 12), when Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) dared Robin (Cobie Smulders ) to do the Ickey shuffle on TV: “As you’re doing it, you say: ‘Elbert ‘Ickey’ Woods, the Bengals were fools to cut you in ’91. Your 1,525 yards rushed and 27 touchdowns will not be forgotten. So coach Dave Shula, screw you and your crappy streakhouse.’ And your prize? One thousand dollars.” “Queer Eye” guy updateBravo has announced a series of “Queer Eye” wedding episodes starting Dec. 6. The show featuring Christian Hurst, a 1990 Moeller High School graduate, will air Jan. 3. It was taped in April at a New Jersey park lodge. Come on down
Olivia Cardwell from Hamilton gets a chance to come home a winner from “The Price Is Right” at 11 a.m. today (Ch 12). Kiese-watchingStephen Colbert's long-awaited spin-off from "The Daily Show" premieres tonight at 11:30 p.m. on Comedy Central, with NBC's Stone Phillips as guest. As much as I love Colbert's reports on Jon Stewart's show -- not just the best fake news show on TV, but also the most consistently funny program anywhere on the tube, better than Letterman or Leno -- can he carry a half-hour by himself? Four nights a week? I hope so, but I have my doubts.... What do you think?
Martha Stewart, Bob Vila and you
Consider this an open audition call for “anyone who knows their way around a drill or a shovel.” Jay Shatz, the former Ch 9 reporter who produces 700 hours of “how-to” TV shows for DIY and other channels, is looking for the next Martha Stewart or Bob Vila to star in a show for fall 2006. Newport-based JayTV wants “energetic, enthusiastic and motivated” weekend do-it-yourselfers or experienced professionals in both home improvement and gardening categories. All entrants must submit a photograph, a biography with qualifications, and a brief explanation of why they should be chosen to host a TV program. E-mail entries to TVHost@JayTV.net. Cincinnati on CNN Sunday
Union Terminal will serve as the backdrop for CNN’s “War in Iraq: Voices from the Homefront” documentatry on “CNN Presents” at 8 p.m. Sunday. Don’t expect to see a whole lot from Cincinnati in the one-hour show, taped in locations from North Carolina to Idaho. CNN Senior White House Correspondent John King taped the opening at Union Terminal Oct. 6 because President Bush had made his case for going to war in a national telecast from the rotunda in October 20002. Kiese-watching:Here are two cable shows to put on your weekend TV radar: Elton John talks about his career on “Inside the Actors Studio (8 p.m. Sunday, Bravo).... "Off To War" (10 p.m. Sunday, Discovery Times Channel) follows Arkansas National Guard soldiers to the battlefields of Iraq. From 7-10 p.m. Sunday, Discovery Times repeats three episodes from 2004 showing the same soldiers preparing to go to war. Seven new shows will air through November at 10 p.m. on Discovery Times Channel. I repeat: the Discovery Times Channel, way up the dial on the ditigal level, NOT the basic-cable Discovery Channel.
Warren Co. Kid Bugs Martha
Brian Kessie, 12, of Springboro in Warren County, takes his insect collection to Martha Stewart on her daytime “Martha” show Friday (10 a.m., Ch 12). His bug collection won top prize at the Ohio State Fair in August, his sixth first-place award there in nine years. Channel 48 newsCET’s “Focus” does its annual local disaster preparedness update today (7:30 p.m., Ch 48) with Tom Peterson from the American Red Cross, Clermont County Public Safety Director Beth Nevel and others. It repeats at 1:30 p.m. Sunday. 18 UC games on Fox 19
UC basketball fans will see 18 regular season games on TV produced by WXIX-TV (Ch 19), including Big East matches with Syracuse, West Virginia, Marquette, Pittsburgh, Rutgers and Seton Hall. Two of the 18 will be Fox 19 productions from the Las Vegas Classic (Dec. 17 & 19) airing on WBQC-TV (Ch 38). Of the 16 games on Fox 19, 13 are home games. Jeff Piecoro and Anthony Buford will call the games. MTV on the Run
First Ozzy Osbourne, then Nick & Jessica, and now the Rev. Run (Joey Simmons of Run DMC) and his wife and five kids open their home to MTV cameras for the premiere of “Run’s House” (10:30 p.m., MTV).
Ch 5 Grounded?
Seen those Channel 5 ads for “News 5 @ 5” boasting about having the “Sky 5” helicopter for aerial shots? As I suspected, that’s an old promo – since WLWT-TV hasn’t had full-time use of a helicopter since its Metro Networks contract expired Labor Day weekend. The station won’t get a new chopper until sometime next year – though the station can fly “in case of extreme emergencies or severe breaking news,” says Channel 5 GM Richard Dyer. So why not pull the misleading promo? Or edit out the inaccurate “Sky 5” reference? Back on the airLocal journalist Joe Wessels, half of the summer “Brian & Joe Radio Show” on WAIF-FM, returns to the air at 11 a.m. Friday on WAIF-FM with former Cincinnati mayors Roxanne Qualls and David Mann. He’s on the air because WAIF-FM shares the frequency during the school year with WJVS-FM at Great Oaks Schools, which doesn’t have classes Friday. His new show is called “Cincinnati Advance Radio with Joe Wessels” because he plans to audio stream and podcast future shows on www.cincinnatiadvance.com. Kiese-watchingBad news for Freddie Prinze Jr. fans. His new ABC “Freddie” sitcom, in which he plays a bachelor chef sharing his apartment with female family members (including Jacqueline Obradors from “NYPD Blue”), is one of the worst new fall shows. The pilot was so bad, ABC will premiere tonight with the second episode ( 8:30 pm, Ch 9). This “Freddie” the TV horror could be gone by Halloween. Watch it and tell me if you disagree.
Who Dey! Who Dey!
Who Dey! Who dey think gonna beat them "Desperate Housewives"... Well, the Bengals didn't beat the Jags Sunday night, but at least they won the ratings. According to local overnight Nielsen meters, the Bengals drew a 26.1 rating (230,512 TV home), or 35% of the audience for ESPN's simulcast on Channel 12. Channel 9, which had first dibs on the game from its two-year ESPN deal, was second Sunday night with "Desperate Housewives." It averaged a 20.2 rating (178,406 TV homes) and a 25% share. The Yankees-Angels game on Fox scored only a 4.4 rating (38,860 TV homes), fourth behind Channel 5's NBC lineup of "The West Wing" and "Law & Order: CI." Make a Wish I hear that a crew from NBC's new "Three Wishes" may be in the area shooting stories this week. If you see them -- or host Amy Grant -- email me at jkiesewetter@enquirer.com. Kiese-watching Maybe those who put money on the Linz kids to win "The Amazing Race" know something. The Linz family, after a backroads shortcut around a Washington DC area traffic jam, finished last week in second place. They had been last at the start of the show. The third show airs at 9 pm on Ch 12..... "Nova" takes a dry, unphotogenic topic -- Albert Einstein's theory of relativity -- and makes it into an interesting historical drama with dramatic re-creations on "Einstein's Big Idea" today (8-10 p.m., Chs 48, 16 and Insight Cable Ch 23). Miami University history prof Judith Zinsser appears near the end of the first hour to explain that French scientist Emili du Chatelet should be remembered for more than being Voltaire's lover.
Goodbye, Susanne Horgan
Say goodbye to Susanne Horgan. The “News 5 Today” weather forecaster leaves Channel 5 after November sweeps, when her contract is up, for a Cleveland TV station. I'm surprised to see her go: I thought she fit in well with anchors Todd Dykes and Lisa Cooney, and I would have thought Ch 5 wanted to keep some stability in the morning. Not so. Her replacement will be the fourth different weather person on Channel 5’s early news in 18 months. Mark Massaro left in July 2004 and replaced by Kristen Cornett, who was moved to weekends in April when she swapped places with Horgan. New Commander in ChiefBig news from ABC’s White House: Steven Bochco (“NYPD Blue,” “LA Law,” FX’s “Over There”) has been summoned to save the presidency. He is taking over producing Geena Davis’ “Commander in Chief.” Wire reports say he’ll make sure shows get done on time. I hope he also improves the story telling, which is his strength. It was laughable seeing the White House chief of staff meeting privately with the top aide for House Speaker Nathan Templeton along the reflecting pool to discuss potential vice presidents. That conversation would have been done on the phone, not out in public. TV TonightYou won’t see Don Johnson’s “Just Legal” law series at 9 p.m. today (Ch 64). WB has pulled the show after two episodes, so consider it canceled. A “Related” rerun airs today. No word on what will fill the hole permamentaly.
Carson Palmer vs. Teri Hatcherson
Carson Palmer or Teri Hatcher? You make the call! Say you're the boss at Ch 9, and you have rights to the undefeated Bengals playing Sunday night in Jacksonville.... or you could air ABC's hit "Desperate Housewives." What do you do? Ch 9 decided to punt on the Bengals and air "Desperate Housewives." ESPN shopped the rights to Ch 12, which instantly grabbed the ball. Ch 9 had dibs because it signed a 2-yr deal in summer of '04, when the Bengals were an unknown quantity after years of sucking, and ABC's Sunday night lineup was about the same. This year, with "DH" an established hit, Ch 9 opted not to infuriate its loyal "DH" audience. So viewers will see "DH" on Ch 9, and Bengals at 8:30 on ESPN and Ch 12. (NFL demands ESPN find local station to simulcast cable games in home market.) This Enquirering Mind wants to know: Will the "Desperate Housewives" sack the Bengals in the local overnight ratings? Which will you watch? Found in TranslationThe Bengals-Jags game will be broadcast in Spanish on ESPN Desportes. Alvaro Martin and former NFL player Raul Allegre will do the game from Jacksonville. Wonder if they get as excited in the booth as Dave Lapham? Franco in the boothFormer Reds reliever Johnny Franco has found new work -- as a radio analyst on the Astros-Braves playoff games broadcast nationally by Westwood One. He's heard here on HOMER 1360 (WCKY). Franco's baseball career ended in July when he was released by the Astros with a 7.20 ERA.
CNN stops at Union Terminal
All the TV equipment at Union Terminal Thursday morning will be for CNN. Senior White House correspondent John King is taping the intro and concluding stand-ups for CNN’s “War in Iraq: Voices from the Homefront.” King decided to come to Union Terminal because President Bush had made his case for going to war from the rotunda in October 20002, and because Ohio was a key state in the election a year ago. The special will air sometime the weekend of Oct. 14-16. Reality weekendThe “Reality 4 Diabetes” fund-raisers this weekend starts Thursday with a “Survivor: Guatemala” viewing party 7-11 p.m. today with some reality TV stars at Westy’s Pub, 7820 Camargo Road, Madeira. Admission is 5 bucks. In town this weekend are more than two dozen stars from several “Survivors,” “The Amazing Race,” “Joe Millionaire” “The Real World: Los Angeles,” “Average Joe” and “The Mole.” (A full list is posted at www.reality4diabetes.com.) Other events include bowling noon-3 Friday in Deer Park; a dinner 7-11 p.m. Friday at Raffel’s in Sharonville; a 5k walk Saturday in Newport; and autograph party 7-8:30 p.m. Saturday at Pizza Tower near I-71/Fields-Ertel Road. See details, prices, addresses, etc. at www.reality4diabetes.com. Back in "ER?"Wonder if Eric Lange, a 1991 Fairfield High School grad, will be back on "ER" again Thursday? He was in last week's show, playing the father of the brain-damaged baby delivered by a surrogate mother. Upset that the child was not perfect, the father (Lange) and mother left the baby there and walked out of County General. If you ever see any other local actors on TV, let me know!
Come On Down!
For the second time in 10 days, a Cincinnati resident appears on CBS’ “The Price Is Right..” CBS says Ronny Edwards Sr. of Cincinnati gets a chance to win cash and prizes Thursdays (11 a.m., Ch 12). Wanna be on TV?Channel 12 tapes “Bengals Nation with Marvin Lewis” 6-8 p.m. today at GameWorks at Newport on the Levee – though Lewis won’t be there. He appears with Ch 12 sports director Brad Johansen via a live video feed from Lewis’ office in Paul Brown Stadium. The show airs at 11:30 p.m. Saturday. A “Bengals Nation” special also airs at 8 p.m. Sunday, before Channel 12 picks up ESPN’s Sunday night telecast of the Bengals-Jags game from Jacksonville at 8:30 p.m. Kiese-watching
Here’s a reminder that TV Guide and our TV Week are wrong. “The Apprentice: Martha Stewart” has been pushed back to 9 p.m. today, against “Lost,” to give NBC’s “The E-Ring” a chance at survival at 8 p.m. NBC made the panic move after the weekly guides went to press. 2 Down, 29 To Go
NBC has pulled “Inconceivable,” Angie Harmon’s fertility clinic drama from 10 p.m. Friday, after 2 weeks. “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” reruns will fill the slot. NBC says it will be back… Yeah, maybe, like in June…. Fox’s “Head Cases” was canceled last week. The good news: NBC ordered a full season of "My Name Is Earl."
Dancin' Fool
This should be fun: Cris Collinsworth gets a dancing lesson – from Bengals receiver Chad Johnson – on “Inside the NFL” Wednesday (10 p.m., HBO). Dave Lapham told “Bengals Line” listeners Monday that Johnson was teaching Collinsworth his end zone Irish jig Monday at Paul Brown Stadium with a HBO camera crew, because Collinsworth lost a bet with co-host Dan Marino. Cris said the Patriots wouldn’t lose at home to the Chargers Sunday. Payback can be …. Hilarious? Amazing bettingYeah, I’m a homer, but I tend to give lots of credence to the heavy betting from Ohio on the Linz family to win “The Amazing Race.” When the same thing happened at www.sportsbook.com in March, the couple drawing all the action (Uchenna and Joyce) ended up winning. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the Linz kids go all the way. Here’s what CBS says about tonight’s episode, “How Do We Know We’re Not Going To Get Shot?” (9 p.m., Channels 12, 7)" "Several teams misinterpret a clue, confusing one city landmark for another… Racers are in awe when they find themselves in the middle of a full-scale Civil War re-enactment during their travels. After ignoring a suggestion to refuel the car, tempers flare when one team’s car runs dangerously low on gas and there is no gas station in sight. On another team, one family member is plagued with fatigue, making a task nearly impossible to finish."
The "Fun" in Fund-raising
Have you been listening to the first fall fund-raising drive for the newly combined classical music WGUC-Fm and new & info WVXU-FM? They're certainly sticking to the printed script, reading the pledge pitches word for word on the new VXU. It's not as much fun or as spontaneous as the old Xavier days under Doc King -- but there's not as much guilt and goofiness. Certainly no personality. But maybe this approach will work. It's just so different. Ruth who?Most of you probably don't know who Ruth Lyons is -- but if you've had a kid in any area hospital, the child has been given a toy from the Ruth Lyons' Children's Fund. And the young patients at Children's Hospital Medical Center have 7 activity centers full of games, crafts and toys from the fund, the Channel 5 charity started by the former TV star. My sons have received toys from the funds during hospital stays, a wonderful legacy from Cincinnati's biggest TV star. (She retired from Ch 5 in 1967, and died in 1988). Soon you'll see billboards wishing her a 100th birthday (Tuesday), to kick off the fund and introduce her to a new generation. It's a neat local charity that supports 30 hospitals in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Nearly 40 years after her retirement, she continues to touch the lives of children today throughout Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. For more info, see my story today posted at: http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051003/LIFE03/510030318/1086/LIFEOn Tuesday, TV clips of Lyons from her "Fifty-Fifty Club" will be posted on Channel 5's website, www.channelcincinnati.com. Martha Stewart done?Starting Wednesday, NBC will throw Martha Stewart under the bus. "The Apprentice: Martha Stewart" moves to 9 p.m. against ABC's hit "Lost," swapping places with NBC's "E-Ring," the Benjamin Bratt Pentagon drama getting killed by "Lost." The question: With continued low ratings, might this be the only season for Martha's "Apprentice?" To boost ratings for NBC's Martha